Cybersecurity In The News 


In July 2024, CrowdStrike, a leading cybersecurity company, experienced a major IT outage due to a faulty software update, causing widespread disruptions for businesses worldwide. While the issue was not a security breach, the event highlighted vulnerabilities within interconnected IT systems. The outage also had material impacts on businesses — causing worldwide financial damage estimated to be at least 10 billion dollars. 

The widespread impact of the outage has raised concerns about the vulnerability of businesses to IT failures, underscoring the complexities of cybersecurity vendors’ responsibilities and the ripple effects such failures can have on their client’s operations. As a managed services provider, Microman knows how important it is to keep your systems running and safe. Microman delivers ongoing, comprehensive security solutions for your business including Managed Threat Response, Ransomware Protection, and comprehensive data protection and business continuity solutions.  

Microman also offers patch management services to help you stay ahead of threats and ensure smooth system operations.  Patch management is a critical IT practice that safeguards your systems from vulnerabilities and ensures their optimal performance. By proactively applying software updates, or patches, organizations can mitigate security risks and maintain the stability of their IT infrastructure. 

Key Benefits: 

  • Stronger Security: Patches address known vulnerabilities, reducing the risk of breaches and data loss. 
  • Improved Stability: Patches fix bugs and compatibility issues, enhancing system performance. 
  • Compliance: Helps meet industry regulations requiring up-to-date software. 
  • Cost Savings: Prevents downtime and security incidents, avoiding financial losses 

The CrowdStrike incident highlighted that IT issues can arise at any time and jeopardize your business’s information and operations. While not every incident is preventable, proactive planning and incremental improvements in your security posture can significantly enhance your preparedness.  Safeguarding your organization’s data is the crucial first step toward ensuring its resilience in the face of unforeseen threats. 

The time to act is now. Contact Microman today for a comprehensive security assessment and a proactive plan to enhance your resilience.