Microman, in partnership with PM Power Products, provides an easy to implement and cost-effective solution to mass notification and automated response. StaffAlerter leverages the latest IoT technology, cloud processing and advanced communication services to assure your message will be delivered regardless of the condition of facility power or network infrastructure.
StaffAlerter combines three important layers of protection:

Physical Layer
The StaffAlerter device is located on premise and connected to wi-fi or cellular networks. Events activate custom rules, which are designed to send alerts to staff, control outputs as needed and communicate to other StaffAlerter appliances on the network.

Web Control Layer
Custom URL portal allows customers to create and manage Web Action Keys® which can be activated by any device that can be reached over the web.

Cloud Layer
Cloud Action Keys® are user created and controlled, allowing messages to be sent to users or groups, even during facility system failure, this capability allows StaffAlerter to be on duty 24/7 regardless of facility status.
StaffAlerter Functions
StaffAlerter manages IoT connected devices, detectors, and systems allowing real time monitoring and notification. Individual and group notification options include voice call, SMS/text and email notification, any or all of which can be generated on demand or as pre-programmed message content in response to system inputs.
Contact a Microman expert to schedule a free StaffAlerter Demonstration today.
Industries That Benefit From StaffAlerter
Corporate Offices
Health Care
Food & Beverage
About PM Power Products
StaffAlerter is an innovative mass alerting solution made by PM Power Products. PM Power Products is a developer and manufacturer of a full range of telephony, power and data products based in Dublin, Ohio. PM Power Product’s exclusive U.S. distributor is Presence Management, which is also North America’s largest distributor of Ericsson-LG Enterprise iPECS Telephony products.